OVERVIEW This directory includes human whole genome sequencing datasets from the Revio system for the Genome in a Bottle trio HG002+HG003+HG004, with one Revio SMRT Cell per sample replicate. DIRECTORIES dv-model DeepVariant model for Revio system HG002-rep1 HG002 replicate 1 HG002-rep2 HG002 replicate 2 HG002-rep3 HG002 replicate 3 HG003-rep1 HG003 replicate 1 HG004-rep1 HG004 replicate 1 METHODS SHEARING Megaruptor 3 to target size of 15-20 kb LIBRARY PREP SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 SEQUENCING Revio system, 24 hour movie ANALYSIS Generate HiFi reads with methylation calls on the Revio system Align to GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set with pbmm2 v1.9.0 Call small variants with DeepVariant 1.4.0 using the Revio model Phase small variants and haplotag reads with whatshap 1.4 Call structural variants with pbsv v2.8.0