README (Last Updated 05/11/2020) ******************** INTRODUCTION ******************** This README file describes the contents in this directory. This is a companion data to the publicly released SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data using the Eden primer set on ATCC full-length controls. For sample information, see: This dataset should only be used by those familiar with PacBio data processing, in particular HiFi (CCS) BAM formats. If you are not familiar with PacBio data, please use the data from the URL above as the starting point of that dataset is fastq sequences that you can directly use for mapping and variant calling. For issues or questions regarding this dataset, file a "bug" at ******************** FILE DESCRIPTION ******************** setA.ccs.bam - the CCS BAM file containing the HiFi (CCS) reads for setA primers. setB.ccs.bam - the CCS BAM file containing the HiFi (CCS) reads for setB primers. eden.primers.plus_M13constant.fasta - the Eden primers, with the M13 constant sequence added - the run script to trim Eden (plus M13 constant) primers from setA + setB --> subsample. the output of the script "subsampled.ccs.Q20.fastq" is the input to the companion data release at