OVERVIEW PacBio files for the PureTarget repeat expansion panel Data are Coriell cell lines sequenced on a Sequel IIe DIRECTORIES PBMM2-BAM-Input-For-IGV-And-TRGT Mapped BAM files for IGV visualization and inputs for TRGT TRGT-BAM_Input_For_TRVZ BAM files produced by TRGT TRGT-VCF_files VCF files produced by TRGT TRVZ-all_target_plots_meth_allele Methylation SVG plots per allele from TRVZ for all 20 loci TRVZ-all_target_plots_meth_waterfall Methylation waterfall SVG plots from TRVZ for all 20 loci TRVZ-all_target_plots_motifs_allele Motif unit SVG plots per allele from TRVZ for all 20 loci TRVZ-all_target_plots_motifs_waterfall Motif unit waterfall SVG plots from TRVZ for all 20 loci METHODS LIBRARY PREPARATION Library constructed according to https://www.pacb.com/wp-content/uploads/Procedure-checklist-Generating-PureTarget-repeat-expansion-panel-libraries.pdf PureTarget repeat expansions panel; - PacBio 103-390-400 SMRTbell® adapter index plate 96A (for barcoding); PacBio 102-009-200 SEQUENCING Sequel IIe, 30 hr movie, PureTarget repeat expansion application. ANALYSIS - Demultiplex with lima v2.9.0 - Align to GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set with pbmm2 v1.13.1 - Genotype with TRGT v0.8.0 - Generate SVG plots with TRVZ v0.8.0 - Generate CSV table with PureTarget QC v0.1.0 FILES DESCRIPTION PBMM2-BAM-Input-For-IGV-And-TRGT/[SAMPLE].pbmm2.repeats.bam Mapped BAM file PBMM2-BAM-Input-For-IGV-And-TRGT/[SAMPLE].pbmm2.repeats.bam.bai Mapped BAM file index QC-Target_Genotype_Table.csv Genotype table with per-allele coverages and lengths TRGT-BAM_Input_For_TRVZ/[SAMPLE].trgt.spanning.bam TRGT BAM output TRGT-BAM_Input_For_TRVZ/[SAMPLE].trgt.spanning.bam.bai TRGT BAM index TRGT-VCF_files/[SAMPLE].trgt.vcf TRGT VCF output TRVZ-all_target_plots_meth_allele/[SAMPLE]-[LOCUS].svg Locus SVG image (TRVZ meth/allele output) TRVZ-all_target_plots_meth_waterfall/[SAMPLE]-[LOCUS].svg Locus SVG image (TRVZ meth/waterfall output) TRVZ-all_target_plots_motifs_allele/[SAMPLE]-[LOCUS].svg Locus SVG image (TRVZ motifs/allele output) TRVZ-all_target_plots_motifs_waterfall/[SAMPLE]-[LOCUS].svg Locus SVG image (TRVZ motifs/waterfall output) SAMPLES Samples obtained from https://www.coriell.org/ SAMPLE LOCUS CORIELL ID NA237092 AR NA23709 NA137164 ATN1 NA13716 NA137171 ATN1 NA13717 NA06926A4 ATXN1 NA06926 NA135364 ATXN1 NA13536 NA13537A5 ATXN1 NA13537 NA06153B4 ATXN3 NA06153 NA03697B2 DMPK NA03697 NA037562 DMPK NA03756 NA232652 DMPK NA23265 NA233782 DMPK NA23378 NA04026C1 FMR1 NA04026 NA05131A2 FMR1 NA05131 NA06905A9 FMR1 NA06905 NA09237E2 FMR1 NA09237 NA145196 FXN NA14519 NA15850L1 FXN NA15850 NA16215B2 FXN NA16215 NA13509A2 HTT NA13509 NA135152 HTT NA13515 NA236291 PABPN1 NA23629