Summary QC statistics

Classification using VSEARCH with a single database

  • ASVs classified at Species level: 981 (81.95%)
  • ASVs classified at Species level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 981 (81.95%)
  • Percentage reads belong to ASV classified at Species level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 92%
  • ASVs classified at Genus level: 985 (82.29%)
  • ASVs classified at Genus level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 985 (82.29%)
  • Percentage reads belong to ASV classified at Genus level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 92%

Classification using Naive Bayes classifier with SILVA, GTDB and RefSeq + RDP

  • ASVs classified at Species level: 949 (79.28%)
  • ASVs classified at Species level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 949 (79.28%)
  • Percentage reads belong to ASV classified at Species level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 87%
  • ASVs classified at Genus level: 1027 (85.8%)
  • ASVs classified at Genus level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 1017 (84.96%)
  • Percentage reads belong to ASV classified at Genus level (Excluding metagenome/uncultured entries): 90%

Overall reads filtering and number of full-length reads

Input reads QC (Before filtering and primers removal)

DADA2 QC metrics

Top Taxa and Plots

Bray-Curtis MDS plot

## [1] "Bray-Curtis matrix is empty (Did you process only one sample?)"

Weighted and Unweighted Unifrac MDS plot

## [1] "Weighted unifrac matrix is empty (Did you process only one sample?)"
## [1] "Unweighted unifrac matrix is empty (Did you process only one sample?)"

Top 50 ASVs (VSEARCH classification)

Top 10 Classified Genus (Collapsed to species) with VSEARCH

  • Relative abundance is calculated by dividing the number of reads for each ASV to the total number of reads in each sample.
  • Heatmap contains only species with >1% abundance in at least 2 samples for the top 10 genus.

Top 50 ASVs (Naive Bayes Classifier)

Top 10 Classified Genus (Collapsed to species) with Naive Bayes Classifier

  • Relative abundance is calculated by dividing the number of reads for each ASV to the total number of reads in each sample.
  • Heatmap contains only species with >1% abundance in at least 2 samples for the top 10 genus.