OVERVIEW PacBio HiFi reads for NA12878 from target enrichment Twist Alliance Dark Gene Panel. 1 of 4 samples sequenced on Sequel IIe SMRT Cell 8M released here. METHODS SHEARING Covaris g-TUBE to target size of 8kb. TWIST LIBRARY Prepared according to https://www.twistbioscience.com/resources/protocol/long-read-library-preparation-and-standard-hyb-v2-enrichment Probes: Twist Alliance Dark Genes Panel PACBIO LIBRARY Prepared according to https://www.pacb.com/wp-content/uploads/Procedure-checklist-Preparing-multiplexed-amplicon-libraries-using-SMRTbell-prep-kit-3.0.pdf SEQUENCING Sequel IIe System, 24 hr movie, Sequel II Chemistry 2.0, Binding Kit 3.2 ANALYSIS Generate HiFi reads with ccs v6.3.0 Demultiplex with lima v2.5.0 Mark PCR Duplicates with pbmarkdups v1.0.2 Align to GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set with pbmm2 v1.7.0 Call variants with pbsv v2.8 and DeepVariant v1.4.0 Phase with whatshap 1.1 FILE DESCRIPTION NA12878_B11_2ul.GRCh38_noalt.deepvariant.haplotagged.bam aligned HiFi reads, PCR duplicates marked, reads tagged by haplotype (HP tag) NA12878.fastq.gz demultiplexed HiFi reads human_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta reference used to generate BAM files TwistAllianceDarkGenes_GeneList.txt gene list