README (Last Updated 07/22/2022) ******************** INTRODUCTION ******************** This README file describes the contents in this directory. This dataset contains raw, reprocessed, and aligned files for multiple AAV samples. The library was sequenced on the Sequel® II System and processed using SMRT® Link v10.1 or SMRT Link v11.0 [1], followed by community tool analysis [2]. To learn more about PacBio's gene therapy research tools offering, see: ******************** SAMPLE ******************** 2021-scAAV/rh10-CBA-eGFP Vendor – Vector Biolabs Lot No – 210621-210723 2022-pAV-CMV-GFP Serotype - AAV9 Vendor – Vigene Biosciences Catalog No – CV10009 Lot No (Date) - 2021.02.25 ******************** METHODS ******************** DNA extraction – PureLink Viral DNA/RNA Mini Kit Library Preparation: Procedure & Checklist - Preparing multiplexed AAV SMRTbell® libraries using SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 Sequencing: 2021-scAAV-CBA-eGFP Sequel II system with Sequel II binding kit 2.1 and Sequel II sequencing kit 2.0 (4 rxn), Sequencing primer v4 2022-ssAAV-pAV-CMF-GFP Sequel II system with Sequel II binding kit 2.0 and Sequel II sequencing kit 2.0 (4 rxn), Sequencing primer v4 2022-ssAAV-scAAV-mix 1 part of ssAAV library mixed with 10 parts of scAAV library Sequel II system with Sequel II binding kit 3.1 and Sequel II sequencing kit 2.0 (4 rxn), Sequencing primer v4 Run time: 24hr movie + 2hr pre-extension Analysis: Detailed commands for each step can be found [here on the AAV wiki.] ( ******************** FILE DESCRIPTION ******************** Each sample will contain the following folders: ======================== 0-reads ======================== CCS reads after running "AAV" mode in Run Design via SL 11.0 0-reads/ |---- .hifi_reads.bam |---- .hifi_reads.bam.pbi ======================== 1-(demuxed)-and-mapped ======================== If samples are multiplexed, they are shown as demux individual samples here. For each sample, the HiFi reads are mapped to the reference plasmid. The key files are shown below. 1-mapped/ |---- _AAV_report.pdf |---- .nonmatch_stat.csv.gz |---- .per_read.csv |---- .summary.csv |---- .tagged.sorted.bam |---- .tagged.sorted.bam.bai This aligned sorted BAM file is what you can visualize using IGV. 4. REFERENCES [1] Procedure & checklist: Preparing multiplexed AAV SMRTbell® libraries using SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 [2] AAV GitHub Wiki: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Copyright 2022, Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. All rights reserved. The data provided in these files is subject to change without notice and Pacific Biosciences assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Certain notices, terms, conditions and/or use restrictions may pertain to your use of Pacific Biosciences data, products and/or third party products. Please refer to the applicable Pacific Biosciences Terms and Conditions of Sale and to the applicable license terms at